So recently I've decided that Tom Ford is the greatest man ever. Why, you make ask. Well let me tell you. As if being an amazing menswear/glasses designer and film director wasn't enough, Tom Ford had to make himself even more incredible by announcing that he'd be
launching a women's clothing line. Oh Tom, you never cease to make yourself seem even more irresistible than you already are. So, back to his other accomplishments...
Let's list the reasons of why Tom Ford is the greatest person ever:
1. His glasses are absolutely amazing. Whether they're for the sun or simply for seeing, the designs are always fantastic and completely different to those of any other designer's. The retro-vibe is great and the glasses are modern even though they are reminiscent of the 50s. And can I just point out how awesome the ensemble the model is wearing is?:

This picture brings me to my next point...
2. His ads are always the best. The collaborations between Terry Richardson and Tom Ford truly are fascinating. Good job Mr.Ford, picking the best photographer to photograph your clothes.

3. People who wear his suits/tuxedos never seize to look amazing in them.

4. He wrote and directed his first movie this year and it was phenomenal (nominated for an Oscar, nominated for 2 BAFTAs and won 1 of them). Not many people can do that.

5. Finally, he is definitely the sexiest man alive.

So, there you have it. Now you know exactly why Tom Ford is the greatest man ever (at least in my mind).