I (Alex) just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. Thank God I'm not in too much pain (it only hurts a little when I chew or talk) and I'm only a little swollen; that was my biggest fear, looking like a chipmunk. On a side note, I realized the other day that one of my biggest fears is spelling my name wrong when writing in sharpie on a book or something, I mean how embarrassing is that? Anyways, so today I'm missing school and I'm really bored so of course I've spent the morning online window shopping and looking at blogs. Here are a couple of things I'm craving:
A.R. Trapp Maestro Sunglasses ($450.00, J.Crew)

Albertus Swanepoel Fedora ($165.00, J.Crew)

Mangolian Lamb Stole ($98.00, J.Crew)
Albertus Swanepoel Fedora ($165.00, J.Crew)
Mangolian Lamb Stole ($98.00, J.Crew)
And a couple of looks I love from lookbook.nu. If you've never been on that website I must warn you its addictive! I've spent the last hour on it and had to force myself to close it.
I love all four of these looks, but I think my favorite is the last one with the green shirt and fur vest, so CHIC! Which look is your favorite?
Well, I have a ton of homework to do since I'm missing school. Better get crackin'.
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